Apples Beaded Necklace Bamboo Bee Beet Bells Ship Broom Rabbit Barrel Butterfly Birdcage Rug Carrots Cat Clothesline Corn Crab Daikon Dent Dog Dragon Dragonfly Hand Fan Feather Rope Barrier Fish Flag Hanging Plant Footprints Garlic Ginseng Gloves Grapevines Lattice Hat Dried Herbs Horse House Numbers Kite Ladder String of Lights Lotus Root Mandarin Tree Mask Metal Ornament Pendant Net Noodles Bottle of Oil Paint Splash Paper Lanterns Patch Peonies Chili Peppers Pheasant Roll Cushion Pin Pipa Rice Rope Sack Paper Screen Shoes Smoke Stars Bamboo Steamer Sun Tag Teapot Tiger Rip Portrait Case Turtle Umbrella